Na sua comunidade, quem são os especialistas, líderes e visionários da ciência Antártica e do Oceano Austral?
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) enlists your assistance in identifying those in your community that you consider to be experts, leaders and/or visionaries in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science, research, and policy advice.
In 2014, SCAR will assemble around 50 scientists, researchers, policy makers, science funders, national programme operators, and technologists to develop a community-based vision of future directions in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science over the next two decades. Nominees from all countries, stages of career, and disciplines are solicited as potential invitees to the “1st SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Horizon Scan”. The assembled invitees will consider scientific questions posed by the global Antarctic science and research community in identifying the most important and compelling scientific questions that can be addressed in or from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Invitees are expected to represent the interests of their community and we need your assistance identifying the best invitees. Your assistance is also requested in identifying early career scientists who have shown the potential to become the leaders of tomorrow.
The nomination period ends on July 26, 2013 and no extensions will be granted.
So please take the time now to make nominations!
For more information and to make a nomination, please click here.